A Mother's Love with A Twist

By Paul Joiner

10 Twisted Lessons of a Mother's Love

A mother's love is like no other love.


My mother's love always came with a twist.  The expressions of her love were directed to me personally, yet in her words could be found a broader life-lesson; life-lessons I have been able to take into a not so loving world. 


I called these expressions mom's love with a twist. The expressions began with great affirmation, then would be followed by a subtle, but great admonition. And though I loved to hear the first part of these expressions, I needed to hear the second part as well.


Admiration and affirmation were followed by admonition. A perfect way to remind me that though my mother loved me, she could not do everything for me. In each twisted expression was a bit of loving pampering and life preparation.


Here are 10 of My Mother's Expressions of Love With A Twist that carried powerful life-lessons: 


I think the world of you, but the world does not revolve around you.


I will always see you as my baby, but there comes a point in life when it is time you grow up.


I will always be your best fan, but there are times when being your critic is the best thing I can do for you.


I believe you are the greatest in the world, but it is up to you to prove to the world you are the greatest.


I believe you can do anything you set your mind to, but I don't believe everything that comes to your mind is worth doing.


I feel you can do no wrong, but when you do wrong my feelings can't undo the consequences.


I want the very best for you, but only you can live up to your very best.


I can teach you what I believe to be important in life, but the ups and downs of life will be your best teacher.


I will always be here for you, but I understand that until you explore what's out there, you will not appreciate what you have here.


I love you, but you may not realize how much you love me until I am gone.



It's been some time now since my mother's passing, but I have never forgotten the life-lessons she gave me in her "love with a twist" expressions. Perhaps sharing ten of her expressions with you will help you love your child, yet prepare them for a world ahead. Prepare them for a day when you will not be there to love, comfort, and shelter them as you do now.


And for those of us who were blessed with loving mothers who prepared us for a not so loving world, may these lessons challenge us to live up to mom's best hopes and expectations!


- Paul Joiner

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