
The Tumbleweed Christmas

The Tumbleweed Christmas

By Paul Joiner

It's not the extravagance of a holiday but the significance of the holiday that makes it special!   The turkey sandwiches from Thanksgiving had barely been devoured when my mother gathered my brother and sisters together for a little holiday planning meeting....

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Personality Prove Your Leadership,  but Personality Proof Your Systems.

The best thing about personality-driven leadership is the dynamic effect it has on your organization.   However, the worst thing about personality-driven leadership is the dynamic effect it has on your organization.   I call this leadership phenomena Dynamic Change or Dynamic Chaos....

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Paul's Office Etiquette 101

Okay, busted. Not only do I have meeting etiquette, but I highly promote office etiquette as well. Why? Because plans for a productive day can be thwarted by undisciplined coworkers. Messy office practices not only affect your bottom line but effect business morale, too....

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Paul's Meeting Etiquette 101

Getting the right people at the table may be the greatest success of any meeting. But after everyone arrives the wheels can quickly come off the whole experience if the participants go rogue....

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6 Reasons Why You Are Out of Touch As A Leader

Try to get through an episode of the CBS television reality show Undercover Boss without crying. And just try to get through that same episode without noticing how out of touch the boss is with the people he or she employs....

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The Nine Principles of the Vines

The Nine Principles of the Vines

Because Life's a Jungle Out There!

It’s a jungle out there.   Just ask Tarzan.   Ever since Edgar Rice Burroughs introduced us to the fictional feral jungle boy who grew to become the protector of Africa, we discovered the best way to navigate through the perils of a jungle....

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A Mother's Love with A Twist

A mother's love is like no other love.   My mother's love always came with a twist.  The expressions of her love were directed to me personally, yet in her words could be found a broader life-lesson; life-lessons I have been able to take into a not so loving world....

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Succeeding in your career depends on more than just being good at the skills you've mastered.  Yes, careers are anchored in one’s expertise, but an anchor can keep you in one place too long....

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Nice Butt, but Can You Use Your Brain?

So how do I delicately put this?   There’s that old saying that addresses the act of completely making up something on the spot with little or no forethought, evidence, facts, information, or planning....

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Distractions: How to Get Customers To Refocus on You

Life is full of distractions. Distractions come in all shapes and sizes: seasons, holidays, illness, politics, news, weather, the economy, and so much more.   Even the most robust organization suffers financially when the customer base is distracted away from its product....

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4 Ways to Hyper-Communicate & Connect to Others

4 Ways to Hyper-Communicate & Connect to Others

Quick, Quality Communication by Adventure Style

Want a guaranteed inside track to successfully communicate and connect to others?   It’s natural to attempt to connect the way we like to be communicated to.    This is wrong....

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Why Some People Need Villains In Their Life

Some people need villains in their life.   They thrive on them.   And if there really isn’t a villain out to get them, they will create one.   Why?   Some people thrive on emotional opposition. And even though they may say otherwise, they enjoy a fight....

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A Plan for People Who Hate Planning

I’ve called it the P Plan for the past eight years.   But I have to call it something else.   People cringe when I suggest they try my P Plan....

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Becoming Great!

Becoming Great!

By Paul Joiner

Most of the great and successful people of this world began the process of being great when they were young. They didn’t wake up mid-life and become great. No. Greatness isn’t an event, it is a process.   Becoming great is something that best germinates in a young heart....

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A Look Into the Minds of the 2016 Presidential Candidates Through the Adventure Styles

By now we should know the 2016 presidential candidates pretty well, right?   You’d think so.   But how can you know who these candidates are and how they will govern if elected?   The Adventure Styles can tell you....

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Why You Hire Proactive People but Can’t Keep Them

Both Reactive and Inactive leaders know they need to hire PROACTIVE people....

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Inactive, Reactive, or Proactive Leaders

Reactive leaders lead from behind.   Innovation, creativity, and planning are not on the side of the Reactive. They lost those benefits yesterday.   They are catching up, doing today what should have been done at a previously appointed time.   Today suffers....

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The Beauty of Disagreement

Disagreement can be beautiful if seen the right way.   No team can work together on any one project without disagreement arising at some point in the concept, planning, or execution of it.   To most, disagreement is disruptive, but it doesn't have to be....

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If Time Is On Your Side, It's Because You Made Room For It

In the creative process, time is like money.  If you don't have much to invest, you won't get much in return.  But, if you have a lot to invest, you will be amazed at the results it yields.   A little amount of time will buy you a shoddy knock-off....

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